Cityview Church By-Laws
Published April 1, 2024
Article I Membership
Section 1.1 Admission to Membership
Prospective members will be welcome to join Cityview Church, the ‘Church’ after:
Confessing Faith in Jesus Christ as Personal Savior and Lord;
Showing Character and Conduct in accord with their Confession of Faith;
Accepting the Statement of Faith, Purpose, Vision, and Values of the Church;
Having completed orientation as designed by the Elders;
Being Baptized by Immersion in the Name of the Triune God;
Giving public testimony of a Personal Faith in Jesus Christ, which may be verbal, written, or by affirmative responses to questions by a Pastor; and
The Senior Pastor and their spouse shall be accepted into Membership upon installation into the Ministry of the Church.
Section 1.2 Privileges and Practices of Church Members
With the privilege of Membership comes certain duties and responsibilities. As they are enabled by God to do so, Members should:
Pray for other Members and the Church Pastors and Staff;
Attend Services and Church Meetings regularly;
Minister to others in the Body of Christ, and prayerfully consider Service in the Church;
Give regularly of their Tithes and Offerings to support the Work of the Church; and
Pursue Holiness in attitude and activity.
Section 1.3 Removal from Membership
Members will be removed from Membership for the following reasons:
Resignation - A letter of resignation should be given to the Elders, and to be referred to the Church for disposition at the next Congregational Meeting;
Dual Membership - Admission to Membership in another church, except where reviewed and approved by the Elders as serving God’s Purpose for the Church;
Disciplinary Reasons - Members will be removed for disciplinary reasons by action of the Elders;
Absence - Any Member of the Church, showing no interest in Church activities for one (1) year and unresponsive to contacts from the Church, may cease to be carried on the rolls of the Church, upon recommendation by the Elders.
Section 1.4 Discipline of Members
Occasion - In the event of the persistent unrepentant sin or offense against the Church (i.e., 1 Corinthians 5:11; Romans 16:17; II Peter 2:1-3), action will be initiated to correct the sinning Member. This will be done according to the Scriptures, and with a concern for Redemption and Reconciliation, not punishment and ostracism.
Authority - Children of God are admonished to not “…continue in sin…” (Romans 6:1) Sin in the Believer’s life is to be confessed and forsaken in accordance with I John 1:9 and Proverbs 28:13.
Method - Matthew 18:15-20 instructs the Church in the method of discipline and conflict resolution, and Galatians 6:1-2 indicates that all Church discipline should be conducted privately with love. Disciplinary action against a Member who persists in sin, will be initiated only upon receipt by the Elders of a written Declaration by at least two witnesses. A group appointed by the Elders, will carefully investigate the complaint attempting to effect proper understanding and Restoration. If all reasonable efforts by the group fail to resolve the issue, the matter shall be referred to the Elders for further action.
Offenses requiring discipline that may eventually result in exclusion from Membership, Church Office, or Church Staff positions include:
Sins of human character that obscure the Holiness of God, such as moral impurity, perversion, covetousness, and idolatry (I Corinthians 5:11);
Sins of divisiveness that bring confusion and schism to the Work of the Church (Romans 16:17);
Sins that violate the Truth of God by promoting false doctrine (II Peter 2:1-3);
If the dismissed Member repents, they will again be considered for Membership. The dismissed Member will also be encouraged to make Restitution, if possible.
Article II Church Governance
Section 2.1 Leadership
The Church recognizes Christ as the Head over all things including His Bride the Church (Matthew 21:42; Ephesians 1:22; Ephesians 4:15; Colossians 1:18; Colossians 2:19), and recognizes the Bible as the Authoritative Guide to the affairs of the Church (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16). The Government of the Church is vested in the Body of Believers who compose it, since Christ is the Head of every Believer. The Bible prescribes two categories of Leaders in the local Church … Elders and Deacons.
Section 2.2 Qualifications
Elder Council Members, aka ‘Elders’ and Leadership Team Members, aka ‘Deacons’ must be Church Members in good standing, having served the Body for at least one (1) year. They should conform to the qualification for Spiritual Leaders set forth in I Timothy 3:1-11 and Titus 1:6-9. They must also display a Spirit-Filled Life, demonstrate a Servant’s Heart, possess Leadership Ability, and strive to be above reproach. They should agree with the Statement of Faith, Purpose, Vision, and Values of the Church.
Section 2.3 Leadership Team (Deacon Board)
2.3.1 General Oversight
The Leadership Team and Pastors have general oversight of the Church (Acts 20:28; I Peter 5:1-4).
2.3.2 Contractual Authority
Subject to the final approval of the Church Members, the Leadership Team will have the responsibility to mortgage, convey, or encumber the real property on behalf of the Church. With the presentation of each transaction of real property to the Church for approval, the Leadership Team will also designate which Members of the Leadership Team, a minimum of two (2), will be responsible for the signing and execution of the documents related to the transactions.
2.3.3 Grievances
It shall be the duty of the Members of the Leadership Team to address and work to resolve grievances brought to them by Members of the Congregation.
2.3.4 Number of Team Members
The number of active Leadership Team Members may increase by approval of the Church Body, but may not fall below two (2) appointed Members plus the ex-officio Member, the Senior Pastor.
2.3.5 Chairperson
The Leadership Team will appoint a fellow Team Member to serve as Chairperson of the Leadership Team for a term of one (1) year, by a majority vote of all current Leadership Team members. There is no limit to the number of terms a Member can serve, but each year the Chairperson must be re-appointed. A Chairperson may be appointed to a term lasting less than one (1) year, if the duration of that term is agreed upon by a unanimous Leadership Team vote, but they should not be for a term lasting less than six (6) months.
Section 2.4 Appointment of Leadership Team Members
2.4.1 Leadership Team Members Term
Leadership Team Members will be elected to serve a three-year (3) term that is renewable upon ratification by the Church. There is no limit to the number of terms. Leadership Team Members may continue to serve so long as they: (a) remain Biblically qualified and (b) aspire to the role.
2.4.2 Selection of Leadership Team Members
Leadership Team Members are to be selected from within the local Church. (Titus 1:5) The current Members of the Leadership Team, prior to the Annual Congregational Meeting, will screen candidates for the Leadership Team. Candidates who the Leadership Team accepts by simple majority, will be nominated and presented to the Congregation for Affirmation.
2.4.3 Affirmation of Leadership Team Members
Congregational affirmation of new Leadership Team Members shall be by two-thirds (2/3) Congregational vote.
Section 2.5 Elder Council
2.5.1 Elder Council Membership
The Elder Council will consist of the Senior Pastor and elected male Lay Elders. The Elder Council will consist of no less than three (3) Members, including the Senior Pastor. The Elder Council will elect a Member of its Council to be the Chair annually.
2.5.2 Elder Council Responsibilities
The Elder Council will be responsible for the Spiritual health of the Church. The Elders are to devote themselves to the Ministry of the Word and to Prayer. (Acts 6:1-4) Elders shall model a mature walk with God. (1 Peter 5:1-2) They shall ‘feed the sheep’ and ‘protect the flock.’ The Elder Council will be responsible for: 1) the Spiritual condition of the Church and address any Spiritual issues facing the Church: 2) Praying for the Ministries of the Church and its Leaders, including reviewing and providing Guidance on Spiritual issues requested by the leadership Team or Pastoral Staff: 3) Elders will encourage Biblical admonition, Spiritual counsel, and Godly methods of Discipline at every level of Ministry. When issues are unresolved through more private means, the Elder Council will enter in for the purpose of Correction, Resolution, and Restoration. The Principles of Matthew 18:15-20 and Galatians 6:1-2 will guide both the tone and the process of Discipline: and 4) monitoring the soundness of the Doctrine being taught throughout the Church.
2.5.3 Elder Council Election
Lay Members of the Elder Council shall serve three-year (3) terms, with no limit on the number of terms they can serve. The Nominating Committee for the Elder Council shall be composed of two (2) current Members of each the Leadership Team and the Elder Council, along with the Senior Pastor. They will welcome recommendations from any Church Member, but will provide the final nomination. The Nominating Committee shall post the names of the consenting and qualified nominees two (2) consecutive Sundays prior to the Annual Congregational Meeting, or any Special Congregational Meeting called for such purpose. The Elder Council will annually review those Elders whose term is ending, and make a recommendation to the Nominating Committee to either recommend another term for such Elder or to suggest a replacement. The Nominating Committee shall assess the candidate and make a recommendation to the Congregation.
2.5.4 Elder Council Meetings
The Elder Council shall meet at least monthly. A Member of the Elder Council shall be appointed to a one-year (1) term as the Chair of the Council, by majority vote of all current Members of the Elder Council. This Election shall take place during the first Elder Council Meeting following the Annual Congregational Meeting. The Chair of the Elder Council cannot serve for more than six (6) consecutive terms.
Article III Staff
Section 3.1 Senior Pastor
Qualifications - The qualifications of the Senior Pastor are set forth in I Timothy 3:1-7. The Senior Pastor should agree with the Statement of Faith, Purpose, Vision, and Values of the Church.
Responsibilities - The Senior Pastor is responsible to provide Leadership and oversee the Direction, Vision, and Ministry of the Church. They should be the Spiritual Leader of the Church, Shepherd the People, teach the Word of God, and preach the Word of God. They should direct the Staff and provide Counsel and Encouragement to assist in the accomplishment of objectives for each Staff Member. All Staff Members are responsible to the Senior Pastor, either directly or through another Staff Member.
Call - Upon the recommendation of a Calling Committee and the active Leadership Team Members, the Church will issue a Call, contingent on a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative ballot vote, at a Congregational Meeting following proper notice.
Resignation - The Senior Pastor shall submit their resignation to the Leadership Team giving at least thirty days (30) notice. The Leadership Team shall present the Senior Pastor’s resignation to the Church, with the terms of dissolution being determined by the Leadership Team.
Dismissal - Dismissal of a Senior Pastor shall be handled with the same Spirit as found under the Guidelines for the Discipline of Church Members. (Article I) The dismissal can be done by either of the following methods: by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Membership with the terms of dismissal determined by the Leadership Team, or the Leadership Team may remove a Senior Pastor, with autonomy, by a unanimous vote.
When a vacancy occurs, the Leadership Team shall provide Leadership for the Sunday Services. They may delegate this Leadership to Associate Pastors as they see fit.
The Senior Pastor is an ex-officio Member of all Boards within the Church.
Section 3.2 Associate Pastoral Staff
The Calling of any Associate Pastor, or the severance, resignation, or removal of an Associate Pastor from their position of responsibility, shall follow the procedures as outlined for the Senior Pastor.
The initial titles and duties of an Associate Pastor shall be determined at the time the Call is extended. The Associate Pastor shall be responsible to the Senior Pastor, and shall be a non-voting Member of the Leadership Team and a Member of any Ministry Team designated by the Senior Pastor.
Section 3.3 Other Staff/Ministry Directors/Employees
The Calling, qualifications, resignation, or removal of Other Staff shall be made by the Leadership Team in consultation with the Senior Pastor.
The titles and duties of Other Staff, Ministry Directors, or Employees shall be determined at the time of the appointment, and they shall be responsible to the Senior Pastor or their Designate.
Article IV Other Church Leaders
Section 4.1 Church Officers
The Church Moderator shall be:
A Church Member who presides over all Business Meetings of the Church; a person with proven Spiritual Leadership, able to maintain the Spirit of Christian love at all business Meetings, and is familiar with these By-Laws of the Church, along with Roberts Rules of Order;
Appointed by the Leadership Team for a one-year (1) term;
Eligible for reappointment;
Be appointed by the Leadership Team; and
If the Church Moderator is unable to serve at any Meeting, the Leadership Team may designate a person to fill this role as a substitute.
The Church Clerk shall:
Be a Member of the Church (or Members of the Church) who will keep Minutes of all Church and Leadership Team meetings;
Make a report of the Membership activity at Business Meetings; and
Be appointed by the Leadership Team.
The Church Treasurer shall:
Oversee all disbursements; and
Submit financial reports, monthly for the Leadership Team, and
as needed, but at least annually, for Church Business Meetings;
Be appointed by the Leadership Team.
The Financial Secretary shall:
Oversee the receipts, accounting, and deposits of Church funds;
Provide Statements of Giving to each Member;
Be appointed by the Leadership Team.
4.2 Ministry Team Leaders
Ministry Teams will be formed, as needed, to implement the various Ministries of the Church. The development of Ministry Teams will include:
Statement of Purpose;
Leadership Structure; and
Qualifications for executing the Purpose and Strategy.
The number of Ministry Teams is to be determined by the Leadership Team and the Senior Pastor. Each Ministry Team shall report to the Leadership Team.
Article V Business Meetings
5.1 Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year shall be the first day of January through the last day of December each year.
5.2 Business Meetings
Regular Business Meetings of the Members will be held during the Fiscal Year, at such time as the Leadership Team designate, for the purpose of presenting reports and for the transaction of such business as may come before the Business Meeting.
5.3 Special Meetings
Special Meetings of the Members may be called by majority vote of the Leadership Team, or by signed petition of thirty percent (30%) of voting Members.
5.4 Notice of Meetings
Notice of the date, hour, and reason for Meetings of Members will be posted in a conspicuous place two (2) consecutive Sundays in advance of the Special Meeting, and announced verbally during all services two (2) weeks in advance of the Special Meeting. Exceptions to this include, changes in these By-Laws, and the mortgaging, conveying, or encumbering of the real property of the Church, both of which require a four (4) consecutive Sunday written and verbal announcement.
5.5 Quorum
Twenty percent (20%) of the Membership of the Church will constitute a quorum of any called Meeting for the purpose of transacting such business as may be brought before the Meeting. For the Calling of a Pastor, thirty percent (30%) of the Membership of the Church will constitute a quorum.
5.6 Voting
The vote of a majority of the Members (and Members voting by absentee ballot) will constitute the act of all Members unless specified otherwise in these By-Laws. Each Member present at a Meeting, or voting by absentee ballot, who is eighteen (18) years of age or older on the day of the vote, will be entitled to one vote in each matter.
5.7 Rules of Order
Keeping in mind that the Bible is the Church’s Final Authority in all matters of Faith and Practice, and keeping in mind God’s Admonition of doing all things with the Spirit of Christian Love, Roberts Rules of Order will govern all Congregational Meetings.
Article VI Acquisition, Disposition, and Encumbrance of Real Property
6.1 Proper Notice
In constructing a building, or acquiring real estate, or selling real estate, or encumbering real estate, the Church will act with proper notice of such Business Meetings as required by the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Such requirement is an announcement for four (4) Sundays in public Services of the Church. In case of discontinuance of the Church, the Church property will be transferred to such entity of a like nature as shall be determined by the Leadership Team.
Article VII Amendments
7.1 Proper Notice
These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those qualified Church Members present at the time of voting and voting by absentee. Each proposed change must be posted in a prominent place and announced during Sunday Worship Services, two (2) weeks in advance of the vote.